All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages
- getBonus() - Method in class humanresources.Manager
Método seletor do atributo bonus
- getCategory() - Method in class humanresources.Employee
Método seletor do atributo category
- getCode() - Method in class humanresources.Employee
Método seletor do atributo code
- getCompaniesList() - Method in class humanresources.CompanyManager
Método seletor do atributo companies
- getCompany(String) - Method in class humanresources.CompanyManager
Retorna uma empresa da lista, dado o seu nome
- getDay() - Method in class humanresources.Date
Método seletor do atributo day
- getEmployee(int) - Method in class humanresources.Company
Devolve um objeto do tipo Empregado da ArrayList através do seu código
- getEmployeesFromFile() - Method in class humanresources.Company
Carrega os empregados do ficheiro de texto
- getEntryDate() - Method in class humanresources.Employee
Método seletor do atributo entryDate
- getFoodAllowance() - Method in class humanresources.Values
Método seletor do atributo foodAllowance
- getIntegerNumber(String) - Method in class humanresources.InputReader
Leitura de um númeor inteiro
- getKilometers() - Method in class humanresources.Driver
Método seletor do atributo kilometers
- getKilometerValue() - Method in class humanresources.Values
Método seletor do atributo kilometerValue
- getMaxWorkDays() - Method in class humanresources.Values
Método seletor do atributo maxWorkDays
- getMonth() - Method in class humanresources.Date
Método seletor do atributo month
- getName() - Method in class humanresources.Company
Método seletor do atributo name
- getName() - Method in class humanresources.Employee
Método seletor do atributo name
- getRealNumber(String) - Method in class humanresources.InputReader
Leitura de um númeor real
- getSales() - Method in class humanresources.Salesman
Método seletor do atributo sales
- getSalesPercentage() - Method in class humanresources.Values
Método seletor do atributo salesPercentage
- getSelectedCompany() - Method in class humanresources.CompanyManager
Método seletor do atributo selectedCompany
- getSeniorityAward() - Method in class humanresources.Values
Método seletor do atributo seniorityAward
- getText(String) - Method in class humanresources.InputReader
Leitura de um texto
- getTotalEmployees() - Method in class humanresources.Company
Devolve o total de empregados da empresa
- getValues() - Method in class humanresources.Employee
Método seletor do atributo values
- getWorkdayValue() - Method in class humanresources.Values
Método seletor do atributo workDayValue
- getWorkedDays() - Method in class humanresources.Employee
Método seletor do atributo workedDays
- getYear() - Method in class humanresources.Date
Método seletor do atributo year
- getYearsTillToday() - Method in class humanresources.Date
Calcula a quantidade de anos decorridos da data criada até à data atual
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages